This multi-day comprehensive and interactive workshop is designed to help participants plan and deliver CAL SIOP Model lessons for linguistically and culturally diverse students.
PreK-12 teachers will learn and practice implementing the eight research-based components of the SIOP Model to effectively teach language and content. The Institute will include a variety of activities, including demonstrations, simulations and explanations, small-group tasks, video classroom observations, and the creation of activities and lessons. The workshop will encourage reflection needed for each teacher to adapt the CAL SIOP methods to their own content area, grade level, student proficiency levels, programs models and school initiatives. No prior knowledge of the SIOP Model is required for participation.
The SIOP Model is a research-based lesson design and delivery system for teaching language and content. Originally designed as an observation protocol for measuring the quality of sheltered lessons for language learners, the SIOP Model evolved into a method for teachers to plan, teach, and assess meaningful lessons, and to reflect on their own practice. Each component of the SIOP Model is supported by empirical studies (August & Shanahan, 2006; Genesee, Lindholm-Leary, Saunders, Christian, 2006) and the model itself has a solid and growing research base (Echevarria, Richards-Tutor, Canges, & Francis, 2011; Short, Fidelman, & Louguit, 2012; Friend, Most, & McCrary, 2009; McIntyre, et al., 2010; Song, 2016; Watkins & Lindahl, 2010).
Reflecting eight major components of sheltered instruction, the SIOP Model provides a framework for teachers to plan integrated language and content lessons (Short, 2013). Used as a lesson planning framework, it ensures that the features of effective instruction critical for language learners are present in all lessons. The workshop will include a variety of activities such as jigsaw/partner readings, mini-lessons on language acquisition, small group lesson planning, video demonstration, and hands-on activities that can be adapted for the classroom. Educators will collaboratively plan lessons specifically for their classrooms, including drafting content and language objectives; developing techniques for delivering comprehensible input; effectively assessing language learners; and forming purposeful linguistic interaction. Administrators, specialists, and teachers are encouraged to attend as a team.
CAL can work with you to customize a workshop or series of workshops to best meet your needs and the needs of educating your culturally and linguistically diverse students by grade level, linguistic proficiency, content area, and other student backgrounds or school initiatives. Follow-up SIOP coaching and other job-embedded supports can also be scheduled to support implementation and help sustain teacher growth.
An overview of CAL SIOP Training of Trainers workshops can be found here.