CAL Institutes
CAL has a long tradition of sharing information and building knowledge about research, policy, and practice as it relates to language and culture.
In this section, you will learn more about CAL Institutes, our expanding series of professional development workshops on key topics of interest. CAL Institutes are held in the Washington DC area and can also be customized and offered onsite at your location. Connect with our expert staff at conferences around the nation and around the world. Get updates about special events, such as workshops and symposia offered by CAL with partners or presentations by leading experts in the field.
CAL Institutes provide research-based strategies and practical, hands-on tools, and help teachers meet the language and literacy demands of content instruction for all language learners.
CAL Spanish-English Biliteracy Instruction (¡en español!): Advanced
Learn research-based strategies to provide effective language and literacy instruction in Spanish in developmental and transitional bilingual, dual language and immersion education programs.
CAL Spanish-English Biliteracy Instruction (¡en español!): Foundations
Learn research-based strategies to provide effective language and literacy instruction in Spanish in developmental and transitional bilingual, dual language and immersion education programs.
CAL Spanish-English Biliteracy Instruction: Advanced
Dig deep into the Spanish and English language systems and structures to promote students’ metalinguistic awareness ability and the use of their full linguistic repertoires!...
CAL Spanish-English Biliteracy Instruction: Foundations
Enhance your knowledge of linguistic differences between Spanish and English and their impact on language and literacy instruction for emergent multilingual learners! Participants will learn...
CAL SIOP for Educators: Foundations
CAL SIOP for Educators: Foundations Institute Enhance your knowledge and use of the SIOP Model to support classroom instruction for Multilingual learners at your school...
Leading Dual Language Programs
Learn how to enhance or develop your dual language program based on the 7 research-based strands of effective dual language education in the Guiding Principles....
CAL SIOP for Trainers: Intermediate
Enhance your SIOP Model knowledge to support delivery of effective professional development workshops at your school.
CAL SIOP for Instructional Coaches: Advanced
Learn effective strategies for providing job-embedded support for teachers implementing the SIOP Model in your schools.
CAL SIOP for Dual Language Programs
Learn SIOP methods that are especially tailored for your bilingual classrooms
ELs and Effective MTSS Strategies
Learn to develop a proactive plan for effective classroom interventions to promote student success.
Newcomers in Your School: Cultural Connections and Instructional Strategies
Newcomers in Your School: Cultural Connections and Instructional Strategies Learn effective strategies and activities to increase your newcomer students’ inclusion and learning in the classroom...