These workshops feature materials from the research-based curriculumWhat’s Different About Teaching Reading to Students Learning English? created to guide the professional development of classroom and ESL teachers who teach reading in classes where some or all of the students are English learners.
This widely used professional development resource provides teacher trainers with a curriculum to guide the professional development of K–8 mainstream, ESL, and reading teachers and to help these teachers work more effectively with the English language learners in their classrooms. Chapter topics include the nature of reading, comprehension, vocabulary development, beginning reading, reading fluency, and content area reading and study skills. The Study Guide contains activity materials and readings for participants’ use during the workshop and serves as a handy reference following the workshop.
CAL also offers CAL Institutes using these materials – both Training of Trainers and Direct Strategies workshops.
Training of Trainers workshops provide specialists with everything they need to bring professional development to educators who teach beginning reading and reading comprehension skills to English learners.
Direct Strategies workshops are designed to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to teach reading effectively to English language learners.
The Trainer’s Manual contains everything needed to conduct trainings ranging from one or more workshops to a full graduate course. The workshop format is flexible and may follow different schedules depending on school or district needs.
- The Study Guide includes activities, materials, and readings for use by workshop participants and serves as a practical, follow-up resource to help teachers reinforce knowledge and skills acquired during the workshop.
- The video, Why Reading Is Hard, provides information about the factors that make learning to read in English difficult for English learners and leads viewers to examine the reading skills they know and use automatically. The video presents samples of children reading aloud for viewers to critique and to develop plans for subsequent instruction.
- The CD-ROM provides presentation materials in three convenient formats: PowerPoint, PDF, and transparency masters.
CAL can work with you to customize a workshop or series of workshops to best meet your needs.