Research-Based Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners
Learn high-impact approaches to teaching vocabulary to English learners and develop classroom strategies to meet their content and language development objectives.
This engaging two-day professional development workshop is designed to increase understanding and provide practical resources regarding vocabulary instruction for educators working with English learners in their classrooms and schools. The workshops focuses on the vocabulary acquisition of English learners and on techniques to foster their vocabulary acquisition needed to meet content and language acquisition standards in the classroom.
The interactive workshop focuses on four key research-based components that comprise strategic vocabulary instruction:
- Strategic instruction of high-utility vocabulary
- How to fostering a motivating learning environment that is rich in words
- Approaches to promote students’ independent word-learning skills
- Assessment techniques that inform strategic vocabulary instruction
Based on CAL’s large-scale, federally-funded vocabulary research, workshop presenters describe how research-based techniques to vocabulary instruction can be incorporated into learning activities in ESL, reading and general education classes at the PreK-12 levels.
Participants first learn about how vocabulary acquisition differs for English learners in the context of their content and language acquisition. Facilitators will demonstrate methods for identifying and teaching high frequency, high-utility academic vocabulary and then guide participants in developing classroom activities for introducing words with pictures and teaching words in the context of reading and literacy activities. Participants will learn about approaches to building student’s strategic vocabulary acquisition, including incorporating learners’ first languages through cognate awareness. Participants will then have an opportunity to apply what they learn by constructing engaging, multi-modal activities aimed at reinforcing students’ vocabulary knowledge and assessments that can strategically inform classroom vocabulary and literacy instruction.
Certificate of Completion
Participants will receive a CAL Certificate of Completion which may be used for continuing education credit.

Newcomers in Your School: Cultural Connections and Instructional Strategies
May 7, 14, and 21, 2025
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